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We Went Solar – Here’s Why!

He was SHOCKED after going SOLAR!

Video Transcript

Meet Solar Icons: Fara and Borna


Science Teacher Evaluates Home Solar!

Video Transcript

Tesla King Terry White Talks the Financial Benefits of Going Solar

Why Solar is Right for Everyone!

house with solar panels

Andrew Randall

Roswell, GA

“Very happy with Better Tomorrow and how they walked us through the process of installing solar. Highly recommended if you are interested in learning about the feasibility of solar at your home. Great team!”

house with solar panels

Frank Lock

Gainesville, GA

“BTS makes customer service a priority. The staff is knowledgeable and professional. We highly recommend Better Tomorrow Solar.“

house with solar panels

Michael Carr

Lawrenceville, GA

“When we wanted Solar, we decided to do the normal 3 quote option. Better Tomorrow Solar was first and 2 others. What made me stop And choose them wasn’t the tenure of the company or How slick the equipment and presentation was. It was the amazing data, great knowledge, true transparency and level of detail and options they gave me to get my solar installed. This is the best option out there and even after I chose them I spoke to two other companies and felt this was the best choice…”

house with solar panels

Karen Spinello

Decatur, GA

“Working with Better Tomorrow has been great. From site analysis to installation to coordinating with Georgia Power they have been knowledgeable, courteous and prompt. I definitely recommend working with them.“

house with solar panels

Karen Henman

Gainesville, GA

“After consulting with another customer who had used Better Tomorrow Solar I contacted them to install a solar system for my home. They reviewed my power bills from the prior year and recommended a system to meet energy needs. I also elected to install a battery backup system, in case another ice storm hits Georgia like we experienced during the winter of 2015. I had friends who were without power for more than a week. The battery backup will keep my refrigerator powered, along with essential power to my modem and other electronics in my home. I have a gas fireplace already so I will keep my house above freezing. In addition the batteries will provide some overnight power to my home on a daily basis to help offset what I purchase from the power company. The battery system is located in my garage and requires only a small amount of space in front of where I park. Better Tomorrow was professional throughout the installation. They were neat and worked with me around my schedule. I can now use an app on my phone to view my power usage, battery storage, and energy being sent out to my neighborhood’s electric grid when I am not using all the power my panels produce. It is without hesitation that I recommend Better Tomorrow Solar to anyone who is looking for a company to install a solar system in their home.”

aerial view of home with solar panels

aerial view of home with solar panels

Terry White

Decatur, GA

“We made the right choice with this Better Tomorrow Solar. Attention to detail, quality associates and the ability to speak to the business. Best service out of established companies out there.“

aerial view of home with solar panels

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