Author: Elliott Jackson
I have always been fascinated by solar since I was a child. The thought that there is this giant fusion reactor in the sky that can provide…
On a Monday evening this past November, I sat in our neighborhood’s Architectural Review Committee meeting, nervously waiting my turn.…
Solar panel installation is easy. The average actual installation on a home roof takes about three to four days as long as there is good weather.…
As with any home improvement project, homeowners often will want to know the money-saving potential of the project. For a solar project the answer…
Georgia has an abundance of sunshine, yet rooftop solar lags other states and industrialized countries. The reason, of course, is relatively low…
Solar power has been around for about seventy years and it has had its share of critics. Most of the objections are based on misinformation or…
Georgia has a solar secret. Georgia is a great place for solar! You might have heard that solar does not work in Georgia but that is a myth. In…
When considering solar for your Atlanta home, there are many important considerations. Of course, the reputation of the company is primary. Other…